in Entrepreneurial Journey, Prism of Life

The entrepreneur’s journey is a lot more complicated – and rewarding – than it’s made out to be.

Starting your own company is not just a job. It’s an all-consuming process that has the potential to change your life or give it new meaning.

You can also change the world and learn while doing it.

You’ll end up meeting and working with people having a diverse set of skills, potentially affecting many lives while making a decent amount of money.

While these are lovely and desirable outcomes, the sacrifices you make when building a startup can be substantial.

If at your core, you aren’t aligned with the personal trade-offs you’ll make when building your company; then success will be tough to achieve.

But, if you can find a mission you’re incredibly passionate about or obsessed with,

Then that will end up becoming the fire you need to give your startup a real chance for success.

If you succeed, you won’t just get rich. You’ll end up finding your purpose.

If you want to build a company that stands the test of time, you’ll have to return to the impulse that got you started in the first place.

Business success isn’t purely about profit. It’s also about purpose.

Mission-first companies fare better because their founders and employees are motivated by something other than money, and are hence less likely to jump ship when the waters get rough.


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