Tell me why should you always be in control?
Don’t you know it’s a definite
recipe to crush your soul?
Tell me how you’re born & how you’re raised,
Dependency on so many people
shouldn’t you be amazed?
Tell me why you are still slave to your desires,
Engaged in one goal or other
by keeping yourself on fire.
Tell me how exactly you plan to prove your point,
Exceeding your desired success is no
guarantee it wouldn’t dissapoint.
Tell me why should you always be in control?
Don’t you know it’s a definite
recipe to crush your soul?
Tell me why you are obsessed with planning,
The infinite urge to make
things pan out as per your programming.
Tell me why you are afraid of taking your best shot
Without being worried about the outcome
And letting nature take its own course.
Tell me your odds of coming out of this life alive,
Your obsession with security
will never let you thrive.
Tell me why should you always be in control?
Don’t you know it’s a definite
recipe to crush your soul?
Tell me how you have adjusted to your own success,
Improvements in the comforts of life
is no longer lowering your stress.
Tell me why there’s such a lack of compassion
Would’t be able to appreciate it
till you think beyond your own satisfaction.
Tell me if you are ready to face your blind spots
It’s often the Wisdom to differentiate
what’s in your control and what’s not.
Worth Sharing?
If you got something from this post, and feel someone else in your life needs to see this, please share it and tell them how much you care about them.
Tell me why you seek recognition from the world for yourself
Instead, seek wisdom and blessing
From the almighty Himself.
Whatever wisdom I am sharing with my world family,
Is nothing but the blessing of that Great Almighty.
I don’t know why you sense a lure for recognition,
However, I’m pretty sure of my damn little Mission.
Tell me……. Great just amazing by amazing writer
Hard hitting but carrying deep meaning !!
Very inspiring..going to share this with friends.