To say no when you need to say no, and yes when you need to say yes, you need to remember what you really want.

People who are distracted are more likely to give in to temptations.

The brain is remarkably responsive to experience. Ask your brain to do math every day, and it gets better at math. Ask your brain to worry, and it gets better at worrying.

When you’re tired, your cells have trouble absorbing glucose from the bloodstream. When your blood sugar drops, your brain will start favoring short-term thinking and impulsive behavior.

When it comes to right and wrong, most of us are not striving for moral perfection. We just want to feel good enough – which then gives us permission to do whatever we want.

Making progress on a goal motivates people to engage in goal-sabotaging behavior. For example, if someone has burned more calories, she couldn’t help imagining the food she was earning the right to eat.

The decision to change is the ultimate in instant gratification – you get all the good feelings before anything’s been done.

We humans have all sorts of mental tricks for convincing ourselves that the appropriate time to resist temptation is tomorrow.

If interested in reading more on this topic, you can refer — The Willpower Instinct – by Kelly McGonigal
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