If you love gossiping, you are no different.
But wait, aren’t we always told to refrain ourselves from this outstandingly stupid activity?
If you are indulging in this act then it’s not entirely your fault, simply because our language of communication has evolved as a need for social cohesion and mutual prosperity.
Our evolutionary growth within small tribal communities made it critical that we keep a tab on other community members for our own reproduction and survival.

If people find you intolerant you are no different.
More and more people will find you intolerant because they lack the audacity to see their own reflection in the mirror.
In fact frankly speaking tolerance has never been the USP of human race.
If you have any doubt about it, you are most welcome to revisit your chosen period of history in leisure time.
Leave alone the differences in the skin colour and nationalities, even the divergent views are hardly tolerated even after thousands of years of evolution.

If you tend to have time inconsistent preferences, you are no different.
An objective and disinterested analysis of your recent choices should help you in validating this proposition.
Because when asked if you would choose an ice cream or a fruit—a week from now, you are most likely to prefer fruit.
However, when you are presented with both the options, next week, you are statistically more prone to choose an ice cream.
“In the long run we are all dead.”-John Maynard Keynes
We all seem to be a firm believer in this phase. As a result we are highly influenced to choose the short-term small gains over long term massive gains.
If you can treat yourself into doing what is best for you-you can end up becoming a good tactician capable of countering tricks inside your brain.

If you are unable to rationalise your preferences without making a complete ass of yourself, you are no different.
As a consequence you end up avoiding the inconvenience of an objective analysis of your own preferences.
For example, can you explain why you prefer vanilla over strawberry flavour? Once you dig deeper and I mean really deeper-you will realise the real stupidity of your own preference.
In fact your choices are nothing but a byproduct of your contextual emotional state. Any rational explanation of it is like swimming or driving -an activity that is far difficult to explain but far easier to demonstrate.
When you try to justify or rationalise your choices you become conscious of the fact that it entails the risk of exposing you as a person, thereby colouring the entire narrative of your own explanation.

If you are not very good at estimating your own competence, you are no different.
Not only that, the estimation of your own competence is highly shaped by external validation.
And that’s the very reason you often tend to overestimate during short run and grossly under estimate yourself in the long run.
In fact according to a study by Burson, Larrick, and Klayman in 2006 shows that when tasks are relatively easy the best performers are the most accurate in estimating their standing, but when tasks become difficult, the worst performers are the most accurate one.
“In the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt” – Bertrand Russell

If you see shapes in the clouds and faces of Demons in bonfires, you are no different.
It only means that you are susceptible to look for the first meaningful association that is easily available to you.
You often look for patterns where there is none. As a result, you end up drawing a circle around a series of uncorrelated and random events. Your deciphering of some meaning out of that clutter is nothing but creation of your own mind.
You see what you wish to see and conveniently ignore the rest.
We all are prone to connect the dots in our life so that we can interpret a story that fits into our desired narrative.

If you want the world to be fair and just, believe me you are no different, ’cause you pretend that it is indeed fair and just.
Not only that, you also want to believe that hard work and patience will always lead to success, and manipulation of any sort has inbuilt negative consequences associated with it. As a result, you become overenthusiastic in editing the world to match those expectations.
You often forget that success of any kind is largely influenced by the place and time of your birth, socio-economic status of your family, diverse set of experiences and random opportunities.
Still you choose to believe that fairness is somewhat built into the existing system because you want to feel secure in your past decisions.